
Jiva.ai makes it onto the Clinical Entrepreneur Program

Chetan Kaher

Co-founder @ Jiva.ai. Voracious eater of desserts.

We are very proud to announce that our very own Dr Chetan Kaher has made it on to the prestigious Clinical Entrepreneur Program (CEP), an accelerator of sorts that boosts British home talents within the healthcare sector – specifically within the NHS – into the exciting world of startups.

The CEP is ideally suited for Jiva… we are a new company with new ideas looking to reach out into the NHS – and beyond – to improve the patient journey.

The program is headed by the inspiring Dr Tony Young who has a passion to drive medical innovation.

The clinical entrepreneur training programme is designed to offer opportunities for clinical, NHS staff and wider health professionals to develop their entrepreneurial aspirations during their clinical training period.

NHS England

No doubt this new collaboration will yield some fruitful results in the coming months and years.

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