Querying PDF Data for Summarisation

Querying PDF Data for Summarisation


A client spends inordinate amounts of time getting critical data from PDFs. Jiva.ai helped them automate PDF summarisation.

Being inundated with documentation - especially lots of PDFs or Word Documents - is a common problem. One of the great use cases for Large Language Models like ChatGPT is its ability to sift through unstructured language.

However, there are some logical landmines to side step when coding this up. LLMs typically have a limited "context length" (how much contextual information they retain), and they often tend to "hallucinate" (answer to prompts that are not factual).

Save Time

Jiva.ai built a set of pipelines for an insurance company that needed to extract vital information of a number of PDF files. This would save their analysts precious hours every week. The Jiva platform has a number of tools in the library, ready to take off the shelf, to utilise in such use cases.

There are whole companies predicated on the vision of delivering the ability to answer questions of data easily. With Jiva, you can build such an AI within minutes.

Your AI Building Assistant.

Whether you are working within images, video, text, audio or unstructured data - Jiva.ai will be your constant companion on your AI journey.

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© 2024 Jiva.ai Ltd. Registered UK Company 11810672. All Rights Reserved

© 2024 Jiva.ai Ltd. Registered UK Company 11810672. All Rights Reserved